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Site Redesign: 2024

'Tis tradition.

I have switched themes to Hugo Theme Stack by Jimmy Cai, making the site look lovely as a base instead of needing patches to not look plain. This new base also allows for comments, through GitHub issues to be available at the bottom of every post. The color scheme is also new but I’m not 100% set on the dark mode colors. The font is Hasköy by Ertekin Erdin and has been recently used in Beeper’s new beta client for Android, which inspired me to use it. I do plan on writing more posts, here are some in no particular order: Beeper Mini Adventures and Complete Guide, a Butter Engine update, and an announcement for an upcoming project sometime in the Summer. This redesign started four months ago and was just waiting on custom CSS and fonts, but expect more posts, updates, and projects at the end of April!

Also, it seems that Forge is no longer favored/is no longer maintained/there was drama that occurred over the ownership of the project that has caused it to be abandoned. I’m willing to accept any pull requests or transfer ownership of Left Click Counter mod to keep it maintained for people and I encourage people to make spin-offs and forks for modern Minecraft versions or other modkits.

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy