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Prank Suite Release

The next step in pranking your friends and family.

NOTE: This software can be used maliciously. I am no way responsible for the use of this software and encourage its use in good faith.


  • See and close open user’s windows
  • Trigger popups with custom text
  • Trigger HTML popups
  • Remotely play sounds
  • Remotely change the user’s wallpaper

Changes since Weeb Detector

  • Trigger HTML popups
  • Remotely play sounds
  • UI Redesign for ease of pranking
  • Ability to transfer files for all pranks


  1. Download the source code from GitHub
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ and change the SERVER_IP in PSClient.java to your computers local IP address
  3. Build the server and client artifacts
  4. Download JavaFX SDK and extract it somewhere safe
  5. When running the client and server, add --module-path .\PATH_TO\javafx-sdk-XX.X.X\lib and --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web to the run command

The Development Path

By default, Kyronet doesn’t support sending files across the network. Although this post is being made way after release, I remember this process being hard to debug, but this isn’t a fault of Kyronet. Both the client and server are kept in one source file. I never want to design an app like this again, but it was a carryover from Weeb Detector which was smaller in scope. Like most things, I want to remake this in Rust and have an easier way of changing the supplied IP address to the client.

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy