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Catching Up & Centralizing

General things I need to do with the site

Catching Up

There’s a lot that hasn’t been covered yet on other projects that would just take way too long to write pages and posts for those pages on projects that were canceled or have seen very little progress. I plan on updating this site every week with what I have been up to.

Left Click Counter Mod

The only thing I would change or work on with this is the system detecting left clicks. Which looking back, is not at all accurate. Although this would require me to change the updating system and as explained in the centralizing section, this probably won’t happen.

Game Time Mod

I think this would be more suited as a general-purpose desktop app that works similar to the way Steam keeps track of hours. It would also be a general-purpose, statistic-keeping app with a name change.


Yeah ummm… got a little too ambitious with it. At the time of the announcement, I knew very little about Unity, and because of how Unity works at a very high level, you either use tutorials or sit confused about it, doing nothing. Aside from that, texturing alone took forever and got me burnt out. The networking, which was promising at first, turned into a system that I was making changes to with no idea if anything was working. Essentially a programmer’s worst nightmare, being stuck in a pandamonium of whether to continue or not with something that would be a pain to debug later. I’m not completely lost on the idea. Sonic Ether’s ray tracer for Java Edition is still in early development and doesn’t use any of the fancy RTX/DLSS features or the AMD counterparts. Continuum Shaders have similar goals, like redoing the graphics engine with the latest OpenGL and then going to Vulkan later. They also plan on using the new ray tracing and upscaling features too! Google Search Console for the website clearly shows people have an interest in high fidelity, PVP clients.

Underground Duels

This project started sensibly as a way to play a deathmatch FPS on school Chromebooks and learn how to use Mirror Networking at the same time. One small problem though, FPS games are very mice reliant. The alternative would be to have keys on the keyboard function similar to joysticks. It also always bugged me that the only way people talked about networking movement in Mirror was through always trusting the client. This bugged me a lot. Then I remembered of The Ship. A fun, murdering delight with the remastered (Remasted) made in Unity! But no progress was made here either as it’s extremely hard to decompile and C# out of Unity 2015 due to so many issues with version compatibility that it’s not worth the hassle for anyone to do. The remastered version is broken now as no localhost connections will work despite whatever configuration. I sent an email to their support team on the issue and offered my help to fix it, but I haven’t gotten a response.

TF2 OpenGL & Java

Postponed until Butter Engine is “done” read here on my current work with Butter Engine for more info. I followed LearnOpenGL.com’s tutorial to get started on this. This was kind of my deja vu when working on Butter Engine.

Weeb Detector

Although just a one-off thing, I may add more prank features or make it Linux/MacOS compatible. It did help me get more familiar with networking in Java.


I would like to merge the Sparticus site into here and update Left Click Counter mod to use this site for updating and whatnot, but seems very easy to over-engineer and mess up the update process. So I’m going to leave it like it is for now unless I get bored and run out of projects. I’m also working on adding a page on here for every project.

So when I’m old and decrepit, I’ll update my first ever Minecraft mod.

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